# Colors 2018 PagerForeColor #000000 PagerBackColor #5a4529 StdForeColor #ffffff StdBackColor #5a4529 HiForeColor #ffffff HiBackColor #9c8a4a MenuForeColor #ffffff MenuBackColor #9c8a4a #StickyForeColor #ffffff #StickyBackColor #5a4529 # Xterm updated to be bigger; this setup is for a 1920x1080 14 inch # laptop (about 150dpi). ############################################################################ # Now the fonts - one for menus, another for window titles, another for icons Font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-* WindowFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* IconFont fixed # Set windows to auto-raise after 750 milliseconds if you like it. # Autoraise can sometimes obscure pop-up windows. Performance is now # similar to olvwm's auto-raise feature. AutoRaise 600 #I'm used to the old Berkeley-style mouse-focus -- set #ClickToFocus IconBox -150 90 -5 -140 IconBox 5 -140 -140 -5 #StickyIcons MWMFunctionHints MWMHintOverride MWMDecorHints MWMBorders MWMButtons # If you don't like the default 150 msec click delay for the complex functions # change this and uncomment it. #ClickTime 150 # OpaqueMove has a number (N) attached to it (default 5). # if the window occupies less than N% of the screen, # then opaque move is used. 0 <= N <= 100 OpaqueMove 100 # flip by whole pages on the edge of the screen. EdgeScroll 100 100 # A modest delay before flipping pages seems to be nice... # I thresh in a 50 pixel Move-resistance too, just so people # can try it out. #EdgeResistance 100 50 # I like to use a large virtual screen and move from page to page with the # pager. EdgeResistance 10000 0 ######################## WINDOW PLACEMENT ####################### SmartPlacement #StubbornPlacement # NoPPosition instructs fvwm to ignore the PPosition field in window # geometry hints. Emacs annoyingly sets PPosition to (0,0)! NoPPosition # So we can see freeciv stats in subwindows DecorateTransients #DeskTopSize 2x3 DeskTopSize 2x2 # Pager reduction scale DeskTopScale 25 # Use the Fvwm Pager #Pager 717 533 Pager -1 -1 # change the default width. Style "*" BorderWidth 5, HandleWidth 5,Icon unknown1.xpm Style "Fvwm*" NoTitle, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip Style "Fvwm Pager" Sticky Style "desktop icon" Sticky Style "FvwmBanner" StaysOnTop Style "GoodStuff" NoTitle, NoHandles, WindowListSkip,Sticky Style "xdaliclock" NoTitle, NoHandles,Sticky Style "xterm" Icon xterm.xpm Style "GoodStuff" Icon toolbox.xpm # Stuff to do at start-up Function "InitFunction" Exec "I" xloadimage -onroot /home/set/.desktop.jpg Exec "I" xdaliclock -font 7x14 -fg \#fff -transparent -noseconds -geometry -105--5 Exec "I" xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources Desk "I" 0 0 EndFunction Function "RestartFunction" Exec "I" xloadimage -onroot /home/set/.desktop.jpg EndFunction ############################################################################ # Now define some handy complex functions # This one moves and then raises the window if you drag the mouse, # only raises the window if you click, or does a RaiseLower if you double # click Function "Move-or-Raise" Move "Motion" Raise "Motion" Raise "Click" EndFunction Function "Move-or-Lower" Move "Motion" Lower "Click" EndFunction # This one maximizes vertically if you click (leaving room for the GoodStuff bar at the # bottom, or does a full maximization if you double click, or a true full vertical # maximization if you just hold the mouse button down. Function "maximize_func" Maximize "Motion" 0 100 Maximize "Click" 0 80 Maximize "DoubleClick" 100 100 EndFunction # This one moves and then lowers the window if you drag the mouse, # only lowers the window if you click, or does a RaiseLower if you double # click Function "Move-or-Lower" Move "Motion" Lower "Motion" Lower "Click" RaiseLower "DoubleClick" EndFunction # This one moves or (de)iconifies: Function "Move-or-Iconify" Move "Motion" Iconify "DoubleClick" EndFunction # This one resizes and then raises the window if you drag the mouse, # only raises the window if you click, or does a RaiseLower if you double # click Function "Resize-or-Raise" Resize "Motion" Raise "Motion" Raise "Click" RaiseLower "DoubleClick" EndFunction # This menu is invoked as a sub-menu - it allows you to quit, # restart, or switch to another WM. Popup "Quit-Verify" Title "Restart or Quit?" Restart "Restart Fvwm" /usr/X11R6/bin/fvwm Quit "Yes, Really Quit" #Restart "Go to KDE" /usr/bin/startkde Nop "" Nop "No, Don't Quit" EndPopup Popup "Programs" Title "Programs" # Exec "Firefox" exec /usr/local/lib/firefox-installer/firefox & # Exec "Firefox" exec /usr/bin/firefox & # Exec "Firefox" exec /usr/local/firefox/firefox & # Exec "Firefox" exec /home/set/firefox/firefox & Exec "Firefox" exec firefox & # Exec "Opera" exec opera & # Exec "Sunbird" exec /usr/local/sunbird/sunbird & # Exec "Xv" exec xv & # Exec "XMMS" exec xmms & # Exec "Gimp" exec gimp & # Exec "Gaim" exec gaim & # Exec "Mozilla" exec /usr/bin/mozilla & # Exec "Open Office" exec /usr/lib/ooo-1.1/program/swriter & # Exec "Ted" exec /usr/local/bin/Ted & # Exec "Abiword" exec abiword & EndPopup Popup "Utilities" Title "Go here" # UTF-8 # Exec "Xterm" xterm -ls -u8 -cm -fn "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-*-75-75-c-70-iso10646-1" -bg black -fg \#cf8 Exec "Xterm" xterm -ls -u8 -cm -fn "-*-fixed-*-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*" -bg black -fg \#cf8 Nop "" Popup "Programs" Programs Nop "" Refresh "Refresh Screen" Nop "" Popup "Exit FVWM" Quit-Verify EndPopup # This defines the most common window operations Popup "Window Ops" Title "Window Ops" Function "Move" Move-or-Raise Function "Resize" Resize-or-Raise Raise "Raise" Lower "Lower" Nop "" Destroy "Destroy" Delete "Delete" Nop "" Refresh "Refresh Screen" EndPopup # A trimmed down version of "Window Ops", good for binding to decorations Popup "Window Ops2" Function "Move" Move-or-Raise Function "Resize" Resize-or-Raise Raise "Raise" Lower "Lower" Nop "" Destroy "Destroy" Delete "Delete" EndPopup ############################################################################# # One more complex function - couldn't be defined earlier because it used # pop-up menus # # This creates a motif-ish sticky menu for the title-bar window-ops # pop-up # Menu acts like normal twm menu if you just hold the button down, # but if you click instead, the menu stays up, motif style Function "window_ops_func" PopUp "Click" Window Ops2 PopUp "Motion" Window Ops2 # Motif would add # Delete "DoubleClick" EndFunction # This defines the mouse bindings # First, for the mouse in the root window # Button Context Modifi Function Mouse 1 R A PopUp "Utilities" Mouse 2 R A WindowList Mouse 3 R A WindowList # Now the title bar buttons # Note the use of "Mouse 0" for AnyButton. # define some complex buttons, as a list of points ButtonStyle : 1 8 40x20@1 40x50@1 20x50@1 50x80@1 80x50@0 60x50@0 60x20@0 40x20@1 ButtonStyle : 3 8 40x80@1 40x50@1 20x50@1 50x20@1 80x50@0 60x50@0 60x80@0 40x80@0 ButtonStyle : 2 17 20x20@1 30x20@1 50x40@1 70x20@1 80x20@1 80x30@0 60x50@0 80x70@1 80x80@0 70x80@0 50x60@0 30x80@0 20x80@0 20x70@0 40x50@1 20x30@0 20x20@1 Mouse 0 1 A Iconify Mouse 0 3 A Maximize 100 98 Mouse 0 2 A Close # Button 1 in the title, sides, or icon, w/ any modifiers, gives move or raise Mouse 1 T A Function "Move-or-Lower" Mouse 1 FS A Function "Resize-or-Raise" Mouse 1 I A Function "Move-or-Iconify" # Button 3 in the corners or sides gives wondow_ops menu Mouse 3 FS A Function "window_ops_func" # Button 3 in the titlebar resizes or raises Mouse 3 T A Function "Resize-or-Raise" ############################################################################ # Now some keyboard shortcuts. Key Left A C Scroll -100 0 Key Right A C Scroll +100 +0 Key Up A C Scroll +0 -100 Key Down A C Scroll +0 +100 # Be able to move the cursor around w/o a mouse Key Left A CM CursorMove -29 0 Key Right A CM CursorMove +29 +0 Key Up A CM CursorMove +0 -29 Key Down A CM CursorMove +0 +29 # Hotkeys to quickly move you from window to window. Added by set, suggested # by norby Key F1 A C GotoPage 0 0 Key F2 A C GotoPage 0 1 Key F3 A C GotoPage 1 0 Key F4 A C GotoPage 1 1 # CNTL-F8: refresh the screen Key F8 A C Refresh # F8 by itself: Refresh the screen Key F8 A N Refresh # Hot keys to allow opening up of Xterms and restarting of FVWM w/o mouse # CNTL-F9: Open up Xterm #Key F9 A C Exec "xterm" xterm -ls -u8 -cm -fn "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-*-75-75-c-70-iso10646-1" -bg black -fg \#ffd -geometry 80x25 Key F9 A C Exec "xterm" xterm -ls -u8 -cm -fn "-*-fixed-*-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*" -bg black -fg \#ffd -geometry 80x25 # CNTL-SHIFT-F12: Restart FVWM Key F12 A CS Restart "Restart Fvwm" /usr/X11R6/bin/fvwm #Sam stuff CirculateSkip Pager